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Dear Vori
What do discs do, ​other than cause problems?
Dear Vori

Dear Skeptical Human:​

Your intervertebral discs are round cushions in your back. Sandwiched in between the bones of your spine, they absorb the shock of each step you take.​

Your discs are often likened to a jelly doughnut as they have two layers: an inner jelly-like filling (the nucleus pulposus) and a tougher, outer casing (the annulus fibrosus).​

The nucleus pulposus is made mostly of water and acts like a hydraulic system for your spine. The annulus fibrosus is thicker and sturdy, which helps add stability. Together, these parts of your disc help you move, rotate, and twist (to go the direction you want in life!).​

Over time, discs lose their cushioning qualities. This is a natural part of the aging process, which may cause back problems in some individuals, and zero problems in others.

If you are struggling with back pain or have a diagnosis of a disc herniation, a Vori Health care team member can get you on the right track. Schedule a visit to learn more about our personalized approach.​

Truly yours,​

Vori Health​

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