White Papers

Pain & Opioids: How Inappropriate Care is Fueling a National Crisis

The path from chronic back and joint pain to opioid addiction is a slippery slope. Inappropriate care for musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions—including excessive prescriptions and unnecessary surgery—places far too many patients at risk for addiction and serious harm. With opioid-related overdose deaths nearly doubling in the last six years, the time to stamp out inappropriate pain care is now.

Download this report to learn:

  • How traditional care for back and joint pain can lead to opioid addiction.
  • The impact of this crisis on patients and family members
  • The financial impact to employers and payers including total costs and productivity loss
  • How Vori Health’s holistic approach to pain improves outcomes and lowers costs without a single opioid prescription
  • Clear steps employers and payers can take to curb this crisis

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Contact us at 949-290-6932 or go@vorihealth.com